Cleobella | Holiday '20
I had a phenomenal time shooting this beautiful holiday line from Cleobella. It’s rare that I get to shoot fashion imagery right here at home, but this worked out perfectly. And, as you can tell, the sun gave us quite the pop to end the day. Magic!
Model: Becca Lane
Assistance: Kaley Broberg

A photo by Mark McInnis of a woman wearing a black dress outside leaning against a tree.

A side by side photo by Mark McInnis of a woman wearing a black dress in the woods.

A photo by Mark McInnis of a woman wearing a Cleobella dress while sitting next to a pile of firewood.

A side by side photo by Mark McInnis of a woman wearing a Cleobella dress out in the woods.

A photo by Mark McInnis of a woman wearing a Cleobella top in the woods.

A side by side photo by Mark McInnis of a woman twirling in a Cleobella dress in the woods.

A photo by Mark McInnis of a woman wearing a red Cleobella dress in front of a fallen dead tree.

A side by side photo by Mark McInnis of a woman twirling and standing in a red Cleobella dress.

A photo by Mark McInnis of a woman walking through a tall grass plain with a red Cleobella dress.